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eSight For Life

eSight has enabled hundreds of people with vision loss to experience the truly incredible feeling of seeing. Whether it is the face of a loved one, a treasured book from their past, a favorite television show, or the richness of the outdoors, eSight opens a world without barriers.

Why eSight?

eSight is the only technology in the world that truly enables functional sight for individuals with vision impairments. It is hands-free, mobile, and incredibly powerful, allowing for users to partake in any activity they choose with the confidence that eSight will allow them to see clearly.

Existing eSight users already put the technology to work to do the things they love. eSight allows them to read, to enjoy the digital world of computers and electronics, to engage sports and physical activity, to socialize, and much more. For each individual, eSight has becomes a tool not for one activity but for any activity.

eSight for Anything

Every eSight user applies the technology to their life in their own way. We are never surprised to hear that eSight has allowed for a new challenge to be taken on, a new experience to be lived, or a new activity to be mastered. eSight allows people with vision loss to be as ambitious as they choose.

Ultimately, eSight is a technology that fits into a user’s life. The company offers outstanding support and access to community of wonderful people who can help you learn how to use eSight but, ultimately, how a person will use enhanced vision is a very individual choice. We look forward to seeing the many new stories to come.

electronic glasses that enable the legally blind to see