
Stargardt’s Disease Treatment – Help with the use of Customized Bioptics and Other Devices

Stargardt’s disease is also known as Stargardt’s macular dystrophy or fundus flavimaculatus and affects almost 0.01% population. The disease is characterized by the loss of central vision in the early age.

Stargardt’s disease generally involves the deterioration of the light sensitive cells in the retina of the eye due to inherited disorder. It involves the macula particularly; the main focusing area for sharp vision, therefore the central vision is lost while the peripheral vision remains intact. Progressive vision loss in the disease leads to blindness in most cases.

Stargardt’s disease effects on patient’s life:

Stargardt’s disease is juvenile macular degeneration. The symptoms of vision loss generally start appearing within the first 20 years of life and in many cases during childhood. This direct effect on vision of an individual leads to drastic changes in life, opportunities to progress, serve or even enjoy the life to the fullest.

Patients developing vision loss due to stargardt’s disease find it difficult to read books and thus their education is affected. They’re also unable to drive as most people end up being legally blind. In fact they’re not able to enjoy life to the fullest extent; as they can’t visualize what’s going around them properly, movement is restricted due to blurry and distorted vision and so on.

If left unmanaged or unassisted, the patient may have a miserable life. It’s important to get an expert’s advice on individual cases and see what’s best for their management and how the disease can be prevented, delayed or treated.

Management of Stargardt’s disease with customized glasses:


It can be quite upsetting to know that one has stargardt’s disease, especially because it’s commonly believed that there is no definitive treatment for the disease. However there are measures through which the disease can be managed and vision can be improved, even if it has reached the level of legal blindness.

One such management option is a revolutionary technology called eSight (esighteyewear.com). These are electronic glasses that can even allow legally blind people to see! Low Vision Specialists of MD & VA are the first and only practitioners of eSight technology in Mid-Atlantic region.

Another option are Customized Optical Systems – bi-optic telescope and microscope glasses, customized for each individual and each individual’s needs. With the help of these Customized Optical Systems, these special glasses allow patients to see better and perform routine daily life activities, including reading and even driving. Many states even issue special driver’s license to people with reduced vision as in stargardt’s disease if they can see by the help of bi-optic telescope glasses.

If you have been diagnose with Stargardt’s disease, or are experiencing any symptoms related to stargardt’s disease, consult the experts at Low Vision Specialists of MD & VA to determine the proper and best management options for you.