Assisted Living for Seniors With Disabilities

Assisted Living for Seniors With Disabilities

Assisted Living for Seniors With Disabilities

Reviewed by: Dr. Brindusa Vanta, MD
Date Published: April 6, 2023


Many seniors develop diverse disabilities that can impair how and where they live. There are also those who have lived with a disability through adulthood, causing existing issues to compound in aging and affecting suitable housing and care options.

Often, seniors with disabilities experience reduced choices over where to live, who to live with and what care to receive. Disabled seniors may be encouraged to receive care in an institutional setting, such as a nursing home, rather than receive suitable care in a less restrictive setting, such as an assisted living community. However, the

Americans with Disabilities Act required better housing options for those with disabilities. The law set out a requirement for equal housing opportunities for disabled Americans. Since its creation, housing options for people with disabilities have improved significantly.

Assisted living can provide a less restrictive housing option for disabled seniors. Individuals can live as part of a community, which can help to increase social bonds and life enjoyment. Facilities typically offer a range of enrichment activities and generally have diverse on-site amenities. Compared to nursing homes, there are often more choices with regard to residents’ accommodations, such as private or shared rooms, in-room cooking facilities, separate living areas and pet friendliness. Services are generally tailored to meet individual needs, with an emphasis on maintaining elder dignity and helping seniors to live as independently as possible.

This guide details assisted living for seniors with disabilities. It covers costs of assisted living, potential sources of funding, what to look for when choosing a facility and other possible housing solutions. It also lists disability resources for each state. Continue the article Here.