
What is NuEyes?

Wearable technology is the future and Low Vision Specialists of Maryland & Virginia is proud to offer NuEyes featuring ODG smartglasses. NuEyes offers the future in a small, compact yet powerful head worn device, exclusively designed for individuals suffering from a low vision condition. NuEyes featuring ODG smartglasses, finally makes it possible for those with Macular Degeneration, Stargardt's Disease, Retinitis Pigmentosa, and other visual impairments to connect with loved ones and improve sight. Using large clunky desktop machines are no longer required. The NuEyes removable visual prosthetic helps the visually impaired see again, all while keeping their hands free.

NuEyes in the media.

Disclaimer: This product does not cure, treat, or prevent any disease.
NuEyes is assistive technology and is not regulated by the FDA, however our products are FCC compliant.