More businesses are opening up to people with disabilities
Low Vision Specialists of Maryland and Virginia is working with corporations of all sizes around the country to outfit employees with the latest low vision aids and devices. Prescribing an appropriate low vision aid/device will immediately benefit an individual diagnosed with a low vision condition and afford them to contribute their talents to the workforce.
Kellie Ell, USA TODAY
More businesses are opening up to people with disabilities
More than a decade ago, when Jenny Lay-Flurrie was looking for a job, she told an interviewer at Microsoft that she had some trouble hearing.
“I didn’t tell them I was profoundly deaf,” Lay-Flurrie tells USA TODAY through an American Sign Language interpreter. “It was Microsoft that educated me. They helped me realize that my disability is a strength that makes the company better.”
Thirteen years later, Lay-Flurrie is the chief accessibility officer for Microsoft.
“I work for a company that supports me every day,” she says. “I want every employee to have that shot.”
Microsoft is not the only business actively working to incorporate people with disabilities in both its customer base and workforce.
The 2017 Disability Equality Index (DEI), a survey conducted by the U.S. Business Leadership Network (USBLN) and the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), reports that U.S. businesses are becoming….Click Here to Continue.