IrisVision – A leap to the future for low vision and macular degeneration.
In the effort to enhance sight for those with low vision, few devices have made as significant a difference as IrisVision. This wearable technology offers powerful sight enhancing features for those with macular degeneration, Retinis Pigmentosa, glaucoma and other eye diseases. In fact, we believe it is the most powerful vision enhancement device on the market today.
IrisVision is wearable technology that makes blurry things in the central field of vision clear. It adjusts magnification as the user’s head moves, allowing objects close or far to be seen. IrisVision is especially effective for those with macular degeneration, an eye disease that affects the central field of vision.
IrisVision uses a Samsung VR headset combined with software that is uploaded to a Samsung Galaxy phone. The headset has a 16 MP camera, a 70-degree field of vision – the widest available today – and a screen that displays 10 times more pixels than an HD TV. Adjustable settings on the device include contrast, ambient levels, interpupilar distance and more. Each device can be customized by the wearer to adjust magnification and field of vision.
IrisVision users see a bubble in the central field of vision that they can shrink or enlarge. The bubble also allows users to zoom in or out on an object, while still seeing objects and people in the larger field of sight. Users can read, watch TV, view a computer screen and see people’s faces. They can watch a movie in a theater or go shopping. The versatility and adjustable settings of the software allow the user to adjust focus and magnification in many different environments.
If you have one of the leading eye diseases that cause low vision, like the ones mentioned here, schedule an appointment with us.
Age related macular degeneration(AMD):
This disease develops without any obvious signs or symptoms until it reaches the intermediate or late stages when vision loss becomes noticeable. Approximately 1,600,000 Americans have AMD. Macular degeneration damages the light sensing cells in the macular that lies in the center of the retina. It causes vision loss in the center field of vision, the area needed to see things that are straight ahead.
Retinitis pigmentosa(RP):
This is a rare, inherited (genetic) disorder that causes a slow loss of vision. Unfortunately, it is a progressive disorder with no cure. Typically, it is diagnosed in adolescents and young adults and sadly most people with RP are legally blind by age 40. An estimated 100,000 people in the U.S. have RP, mainly caused by gene mutations (variations) inherited from one or both parents.
This is one of the most common chronic eye diseases for seniors and is the leading cause of blindness for those over the age of 64. The disease damages the eye’s optic nerve. Usually fluid builds up in the front part of the eye, increasing pressure in the eye and damaging the nerve. In its early stages, glaucoma has no symptoms. Half the people with glaucoma do not know they have it.
Although these diseases have no cure, treatment is available to slow their progression and advanced technology can enhance eyesight. We developed IrisVision in collaboration with Samsung so that our patients would have access to a device that offers advanced technology and affordability; it costs less than half of the other vision enhancing technologies on the market today.
If you have been told that nothing more can be done to enhance your eyesight, call us. We work with patients every day who have been told the same thing. Through comprehensive treatments and advanced technologies, we are able to help them enjoy the activities of daily living and hobbies. We help our patients to watch TV, see the faces of loved ones and some cases, drive. We can help you too.