    • JANUARY 21, 2015
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    Special Glasses for Macular Degeneration

    Macular degeneration is a chronic eye condition and is usually age related. It’s not possible to completely cure it but its progress can be slowed down and effects minimized using proper technology and expertise. Special glasses for macular degeneration can help them in seeing better and perform routine tasks effectively. As they provide vision to

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    • DECEMBER 19, 2016
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    Safety in the dark and cold depends upon great lighting.

    Winter brings ice, snow and long periods of darkness that pose significant hazards to those living with low vision. Icy patches and uneven walking surfaces make for treacherous walking and create more than ample opportunity to trip, slip and fall. Short winter days require longer use of artificial lighting and the shadows they cast canRead more
    • DECEMBER 13, 2016
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    Rehabilitating low vision with technology

    Rehabilitating low vision with technology

    In medicine’s ongoing efforts to enhance low vision, technology plays an essential role. Some of the advances seem like the stuff of flying cars and cities in the sky but they are not - they are very real and in our hands today. Implantable micro lenses and telescopic lenses are incredibly important to the restorationRead more
    • JANUARY 3, 2017
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    Old-fashioned house calls have always been part of our advanced care.

    When you think of physician house calls, you probably think of the “good ol’ days” when TV’s Dr. Kildare and Marcus Welby, MD visited patients at home in their beds. We are happy to say that those days are still alive and well at our practice because our doctors still make house calls, in fact,Read more